Giovambattista Pulcini's
About: my configuration
Special thanks to Valerio Verrando for hosting this page!
My actual configuration is:
Intel Pentium 133, ASUSTeK MB 512K pbs L2 cache, 430HX chipset, AWARD BIOS
FD: 1.44Mb
HD: Seagate Medalist 2.1GB (EIDE) + Seagate Hawk 1GB 9ms (SCSI-2)
CD: Sony CDU-55S 2.5X
Iomega ZIP
Logitech Pilot Mouse
Microsoft Natural Keyboard
Matrox MGA Millennium 220MHz/8MB WRAM
Adaptec AHA 1542CF SCSI II controller (ISA)
Sound Blaster 16 AWE 32 (2MB)
Modem: USRobotics Sportster Voice 33.6kbps
Hi/Lo Eprom Programmer
Monitor: Philips Brilliance Cyberscreen
Printer: HP LaserJet 5MP
Systems: Windows 95, NeXTSTEP 3.2, Linux 1.2.13 (Slackware 3.0)
I also have access to:
IBM RS6000
Running AIX 4.0
Apple Power Macintosh 6100/60
16Mb RAM
FD, CD, HD: 350Mb
Monitor: 14" Apple Trinitron
Geoport Telecom Adapter
Running System 7.5
Apple Macintosh SE/30 - 5Mb RAM, 40Mb HD.
My old XT clone: Olidata PC-816: 8088/7 8MHz, 640K RAM, 360K FDD, Hercules.
My very old Commodore 64 + 1541 FDD + MPS 803 printer.

Giovambattista Pulcini
Last Revised: April, 1997 - ver. 2.01