Giovambattista Pulcini's
pages on Fractal Image Compression
Special thanks to Valerio Verrando for hosting this page!
Fractal Image Compression Software
IFSAF: IFS Application Framework is a software running under Windows 3.x for fractal image encoding. It has some bugs, makes no control on what you are doing, so it crashes frequently, is not a well-behaved window application: it monopolizes the CPU until the enc/dec is over, but shows graphically each step of the computation, so may be a valuable choise for the beginners in this field.Besides, it is a powerful framework, for testing several different algorithms, andoptions.
GrayScale encoding/decoding with: exhaustive search, isometry prediction, local sub search,neighbourhood search, polynomial approximation of shade blocks, simulated annealing, two level partitioning.
TrueColor encoding/decoding with: exhaustive search, isometry prediction, joint YIQ encoding,one level partitioning.
Compiled with my Borland C++ 3.0, with buggy OWL.
Other info about IFSAF:
IFSAF dlg lite for NT, 95, Win32s: the IFSAF application reduced to the essential: a dialog box. It is much less "graphical"with respect to the above, but is a 32 bit application so,it is much faster and even more stable than the full version. Obviously thisdoes not substitute the above full version.
TrueColor encoding with: exhaustive search, isometry prediction, joint YIQ encoding,one level partitioning.
Compiled with Watcom C/C++ 10.5.
Other info about IFSAF dlg lite:

Giovambattista Pulcini
Last Revised: April, 1997 - ver. 2.01